Sunday 13 January 2013

Babyliss Pro Nano Titanium Ultracurl Styler

One thing I learnt about hair straighteners is that just because many people say it's good, it wouldn't necessarily be good for you. I used to use a GHD hair straightener I got from a hairdresser. It cost me around MYR 300. GHD's may be good for some people but I found it hard to use and it didn't make my hair look sleek. I didn't usually get the hair styles I wanted with it either.
This time around, I opted to try the Babyliss Hair Straigtener I got from Shins. This was also around MYR 300.

 I will give you the full specs of this hair straightener. 
Let's start with the plates. They are made of nano titanium plates. It will not damage your hair. ( This does not mean you skip using heat protectant! ) You won't experience your hair being pulled at all since the plates are smooth with no tiny gaps that catch your hair. The plates make look narrow but it can be used on either short or long hair, fine or thick. It does the job.


 There are side heating plates, rubberized cool tip and thumbrest.

You can choose from the 3 different temperate settings which are 170, 200 and 230 degrees celcius. GHD's do not the temperature setting options. It takes merely seconds to heat up and goes to sleep / shuts off if it's inactive for a couple of minutes.

  The swivel cord makes it easy for movement when straightening or curling your hair. The cord is pretty long which is something I like.

It's so easy to use this hair straightener and it won't take long to do your hair.This hair straightener is ultra light and I guarantee you will get the most sleek and shinest straight hair or perfect and bouncy curls. 

The only downside is that there was only 1 colour available!

I never thought I would like this hair straightener as much as I do now.

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