Friday 16 September 2011

Shwarzkopf Flatliner

I thought I'd do a quick review on this product before I bin it. If you're looking to get a perfectly pin straight, shiny, sleek do, then this is exactly what you need. It's perfect to use with a hair straightener. 
It's called the Osis + Flatliner Form from Scwarzkopf
It keeps hair in place in cold or humid weather. It keep frizziness away.It also protects your hair from heat damage ( up to 200 degrees Celcius..that's really hot! ) What I really like about this product is that it does what it says.
I would show you what my hair looks like after using it but unfortunately I'm all out and so I'm not able to but definitely will if I get hold of this product again. It's quite a good product.

They have 3 levels of strength. The one I got is "3 - Strong Hold"

RM 58.00

200ml / 195 g

Made in Germany

You simply spritz this on the ends of your hair evenly after you've towel dried you're hair, blow dry first and then use a hair straightener to achieve you're straight and sleek do.

I'm going to miss it. It has served me well.

You may get a discount if you get this from the K-Care store.

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