Friday 17 June 2011

Parachute Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil has been used for decades for many purposes. Ever noticed how Indian women have lengthy but really healthy looking hair minus the split ends or dryness? It must be because of the coconut oil they use. I have always been a fan of coconut oil. It is something my grandmother taught me as her mother did to her. My grandmother is 78 this year and has almost a full head of black hair.  The one I'm using at the moment is this one...

 Parachute Coconut Oil

This coconut oil is a 100% organic and edible, manufactured in India and has that natural coconut like smell without being too overwhelming. Personally, I think the smell is lovely. This is not an expensive hair treatment. It is really affordable and it really works.

How I Use This?

As A Deep Conditioning and Intensive Treatment.
I sometimes take a little (depending on the length of your hair) and put it in the microwave for a few seconds (not too long!)until it is slightly warm and put it on my hair covering it thoroughly and massage my scalp with it (put some gloves on if you do not like your hands getting greasy but it really does not matter since it will wash right off your hands with soap). 

Then I wrap my hair up with a wet towel to secure the heat and moisture in ( you can use a shower cap too). I would probably leave this on for as long as I can since the longer you leave it in , the more moisture your hair is going to take in. (You can even leave it on overnight!)

When you are ready to wash it off, go for it! Sometimes you may find that you have to wash your hair twice to get it all out but I would only wash my hair once with shampoo because I still want a bit of moisture in my hair.

If you do not have the time to do this then simply get some out of the bottle onto your hands and massage it into your scalp and hair, leave it as long as you desire and wash it off.

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